INSIGHTS: Remembering the Why

Dissecting the importance of taking it from the top

Welcome to Create for Change (formerly Create. Amplify. Mobilize).

This newsletter has been through many iterations so welcome back to those who have been here. After a hiatus, I’m excited to continue the dialogue with folks like you who are dedicated to using storytelling as a tool for transformative change.

In this issue, I want to discuss why it’s important for purpose-driven comms and social impact professionals to take a look back at their organization’s goals and mission statement. Let’s get into it.

How often do you go back to read your organization’s mission statement? What about the comms plan you developed to support said mission? Chances are, not as often as you should. 

See, the issue with charging ahead is that sometimes we can forget why we started. While we’re busy driving change, the mission can become increasingly blurry in the rearview mirror. If we never visit home, it can be easy to misremember where everything started – or worse, why everything started. 

So, I figured it would make sense to re-evaluate our why and discuss the importance of going back to the beginning.

Before putting pen to paper (or rather fingers to keyboard), I outlined the following goals for this newsletter: 

  • To share what’s working for us and my clients, including how to identify and utilize strategic nuances.

  • To spotlight great work from the folks we personally follow – including you – and why it engages audiences.

  • To allow points of interaction, so we make sure to connect and align (and because we want to know more about your work)

  • And most importantly – to me at least – to focus on tactical takeaways.

We've tried many different ways to engage folks like you, including building an online community and blog, but recognized that a newsletter could be the best path forward to meet these goals.

However, I’m also hyper-aware that in this current media landscape these markers may need to be moved for us to keep pace and provide resources that are actually helpful to storytellers – and that’s okay. 

Considering revisiting your own why? Here are a few reasons that may serve you well as we head into Q2:

Alignment and Focus

Your mission statement should serve as a compass that guides every communication decision you make. It defines your organization's purpose, values, and goals. By revisiting it regularly, you ensure that your messaging remains aligned with these fundamental principles. This alignment (and sometimes re-alignment) helps maintain consistency across all comms channels and helps ensure every piece of content serves a purpose in progressing that mission.

Relevance and Adaptability 

The media landscape is constantly and rapidly changing – what was relevant and impactful yesterday may not be tomorrow. As comms and CSR professionals, it's our job to ensure messaging is relevant, timely and resonates with your target audience. Going back to your why allows you to assess whether it still accurately reflects your organization's values and goals in the current context. It also gives you an opportunity to adapt and refine your messaging to address new challenges in real-time.

Internal Engagement and Buy-In

A mission statement is not just a set of words; it's a rallying cry that inspires and motivates your team. When team members understand and believe in the mission, they’re more engaged, productive, and aligned in their efforts. We play a crucial role in communicating this mission internally, fostering a sense of purpose and belonging among our colleagues/clients. By reinforcing your why, you reinforce its importance and encourage buy-in from all stakeholders.

Brand Reputation and Trust

In today's hyper-connected world, consumers expect more from the brands they engage with, especially Gen Z. They seek authenticity, transparency, and alignment with their values. Your organization's mission is a powerful tool for building trust and credibility with your audience. It communicates your commitment to your values and demonstrates your dedication to making a positive impact. By conducting an internal audit, you can evaluate whether your organization is performing against those goals, strengthening your reputation and deepening trust with your audience.

Before we enter into a new quarter, take the time to revisit your why to ensure your communication efforts are making a meaningful impact in pursuit of your organization's mission.

Thanks for reading!

The next issue drops on March 21 at 12 pm ET, so tell a friend to tell a friend.

If there’s a particular topic you’d like Create for Change to cover, feel free to respond directly to this email.

Made in collaboration with Team DSB’s Jordan (writing support)